• Present, All but Joaquin(ESP) and Matt Gallagher(USA)
  • Approval of Minutes of 2022 meeting
    Approved with the addition that Willem was present by Zoom
  • Submissions
    a) EST 1 – Offshore race scoring
    GER 2 -PCS with All-purpose pre-selected course
    Not supported in hindsight of ”Weather routing scoring”

    b) EST 2 – Percentage limit of lower-scoring wind
    Not supported but good practice in low/no wind will go into Race Management Guide

    c) GER 1 – Constructed course scoring above 20 kts of wind
    Supported by adding the wind speed at 24 knots to the allowance marix
    VPP has been deemed stable enough to add this wind speed to the matrix.

    d) GER 3 – Number of crew members
    Not supported but rule change will be in place to cater for the change of one crew member only;

  • e) NED 7 – Wind range for W/L and coastal race at championships
    Handled through updates to the Race Management Guide

    f) NED 8 – Maximum wind forecast when starting an offshore race
    Handled through updates to the Race Management Guide
  • Weather routing scoring
    The concept and content is explained in the ITC protocol on 3.Weather routing scoring:

– Andy Claughton quickly tried to explain the reason that the existing PCS sometimes give very wrong wind speeds to what was really experienced.

The concept and content is explained in the ITC protocol on 3.Weather routing scoring:

– Effectively this means that each participant boat will race against its own predicted course and time..

  • Alternatives to bow numbers
    Discussion about the lost bow numbers during the past Offshore Worlds in Kiel 2023
    Noora mentioned about environmentally friendly stickers being developed
    No solution in sight..
  • VHF announcements on the water
    Advice / guidance regarding VHF announcements are sometimes a little unclear.
    – Idea is to add some formal wording in conjunction with flags / timeline for starts and other events that can be needed to be announced!
  • Race Management Guide
    Ecky went through the proposed additions to chapter 4 in the Race Management Guide regarding wind strengths, lower and upper.
    This will address parts of the SWE 3 submission
    General houskeeping of the guide to be done.
  • Any other business
    Dobbs told about the work needed to be done to US race management side to keep the US organizers happy and asked for input and interaction with the work.