Committée membership discussion
Thomas Nilsson appointed to Vice precident of the comittee
Notes from 2018 OK!
Promotional work carried out.
Growth of system reported, US has greatest growth but small changes in total. Sweden up 16 certificate compared to 2018

Ongoing work with the new Guidebooks on Race Management and Scorer software manual
Full manual soon available for the ORC Scorer
Race management guide is an ongoing back-burner. Prioritization of the shorter / mini / high level version was discussed. Instruct
Ongoing work with social media, report by Piret.
3200 followers on Instagram
4000 followers on Facebook
Sponsorship on the social media and on the ORC Website is growing and profitable. Notable sponsor right now is Polli Yacht Design
Report on new ORC Web site
- Zoran went through the status and mood board examples of the new responsive web page layout.
- Plan is to launch it before the end of the year. Commitee members will get test link for comments!
- Example of layout is coming..
Report on OXSS Media coverage
- Problem with the media contact. Photographer from Germany was replacing the OXSS representative.
ORC Double handed certificate
- Will give a particular certificate
- Will be handled on Rating Offices Committée
- Will be of ORC club type and with 4 different course models and scoring Time on Distance or Time on Time!
- Target is to allow better scoring of handicapped boats for double handed racing as a springboard for selection for double handed championships and olympics.
US, Turkey, Bulgaria and Estonia are target markets for measurement promotions 2020.
Promotion for the worlds have been done in Oxelösund and some other places.
Further promotion to be done.