New chair of the PDC Committee 2023, Thomas Nilsson, NOR

Present, all the committée present and expecting to add the following additions

Fabrizio – Vice chair

1. Approval of Minutes of 2022 meeting


2. 2023 report

Octopus project progress:

  • Separate reports from Social Media, Web project and Promotional Emails
  • 62 news emails during the year, using ”Constant Contact”
  • 70% of the receivers are on mobile, very few click-throughs

Presence at Championships:

Web page:
Launched in may 2023, good follow up of usage

Matteo commented on the web project and emphasized that the graphics ar now embedded in the website

ORC Social Media Report

Significant more impact from Video on social media both in terms of interaction and attention

Big events also draw a significance of new followers

4. How can we make access to ORC easier for more sailors?

Hepo(FIN) made a short presentation about the switch from FINLys to FINRating

Willem(NED) made about the same remark asking for a better way into the ORC racing community through some kind of introductory way to enter ORC racing like tables (used in Finland)

Strong opposition towards the approach from ORC Staff.

Nicola raised the point that the system should be promoted to the clubs as well since 

5. How to improve communication between ORC, Committee Members

Rating Officers , Race Organisers, MNAs and other ORC keyplayers?

Extensive discussion but no decisive decisions..

6. Marketing and promotion activities in 2024

Request for marketing towards organizers

Request for scoring video

Request for analyses of boats that leave / have left ORC racing

7. MarCom – What’s important to address in an ORC Marketing Plan?

Sailor services extended is in the plans…

  • Make it easier to buy

8. Reviewing the ORC Sportboat Class and how to make it grow.

Struggling to get a large fleet

ORC discussed whether to allow more flexibility in the definition

  • Needs to be further investigated

3. Submissions

a) MANCOM 1 – Standardising ORC Championship brand

Discussion about who would carry the costs, who would handle the admin and policing if / when needed.

Medals already decided and organized

Logistics might be an issue..

Committée supported the submission unanimously

9. Any other business?

Bruno raised the question about the need for user friendly interface person who can complement the Mancom and the tech staff to make our interfaces easier.

Don’t miss out to look at the ORC Flickr stream; https://flickr.com/photos/orcsailing/